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How to Sign-up to Our Programs

Sign-up Instructions

Thank you for your interest in our 7 Days of Big Love Programs! To have access to the 7 Days programs you must become a site member.


 To BECOME A SITE MEMBER follow these steps:

1.     Click “Join” under a program you wish to purchase & sign up with Facebook, Google, or Email. WRITE DOWN THE EMAIL & PASSWORD you use to assist you in signing up for the Space App which gives easy access to the program content.

2.     Confirm your email (check your spam folder) 

3.     Return to Our Programs page & login with your confirmed email & password.



 To JOIN A FREE PROGRAM  continue as follows:

1.     Choose your program, click the Join button.

2.     Sign in using your email + password

3.     Return to the programs page and click on your program to make sure you are in!


 To PURCHASE A PROGRAM  continue as follows:

1.     Choose your program, click the second “Join” at the bottom of the Program page.

2.     Enter Credit Card & Billing Information

3.     Congrats you’re enrolled in the program!


You will receive the following emails: (check your spam folder) 1) one to join the group. Be sure to click on the button in the email to join. 2) another inviting you to complete a personal intentions form (for 7 Days of Big Love only). 3) one more a day or two before the start of the program alerting you to join.


On Day One & each day afterward, you will receive access to group content via email. You may also access content through Love Big. Big Love. on the  Spaces app by Wix.


If you have any issues please email us at

Signed up for a program in the past?

Simply log in, choose a new program, & pay or join if free!

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  • Love Big. Big Love. Vimeo

© 2020 by Love Big. Big Love.

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The information contained in this website and exchanged in these services is educational in nature. Its purpose is to provide general information. It is not medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, treatment, or opinion. Services and/or information gathered here are not to be used as a replacement or substitution for seeking professional healthcare or mental healthcare advice and services. Services and information gathered here are to be viewed as an alternative & complementary approach to general health and wellness. Full Privacy Policy

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